Soy derivatives currently form the basis of animal feed, offering mainly proteins, amino acids, fat, among others.

Through heat treatment, our products are developed thinking about the best productivity of animal protein, also in the welfare and health of animals. Heat treatment is used to inactivate antinutritional factors, in addition to improving the absorption of soy proteins by the body without denaturing them.

Today in Brazil, the demand for meat is totally linked at an increasing pace with the need for processed soybeans, used to feed domestic animals that produce meat. But, with so many positive factors of the grain, its processed products have been used with high performance in other animal species, opening new branches, as in the production of apiaries (honey), for example.

Emphasizing also the PET market that leads to dogs, cats and other domestic animals, adequate levels of protein through soy flour in the formulation.

It is possible through the links to learn more about our products and the importance in the different branches of the market.
